Running out of Road…

As we look towards finding our individual worth in order to move closer to finding the oneness we desire, we have to look inward to find who we really are and a close inspection of ourselves can be hard, uncomfortable and downright scary. But in order to know the other person, we have to know ourselves and be willing to not only know ourselves intimately but to share that. So how do we do that? The ultimate question….we are trained to hide in corners our true selves, to show the world what they want to see, to feel shame and guilt for things that should be beautiful and natural and have been given to us from the beginning of time.

So today has been a close look at who we are individually as situations come about that require decisions to be made, decisions about the path we are on, or are we actually on a different path…life is funny that way, giving us twists and turns and bumps and forks in the road that we have to traverse and navigate without any guides or assistance of what is at the other end, but to take it on faith that we will make the right choice, either individually or together and that alone can be scary. Some bumps can be painful, some are fun; some forks cause detrimental outcomes that you cannot come back from, but some forks bring such joy and happiness its hard to fathom…but how do you choose?

We choose by what we think we know and oh what a dangerous path knowledge or the belief in knowledge can be, it is limited and myopic and biased and can be swayed by those around us claiming they know what is best for us; so we again do our best, take our history, our choices, our heart and soul and our thoughts and put them to the test and we all know how well that usually works out since our head and hearts are very rarely in the same ballpark, so we jump in feet first and take off running.

And then we continue running and running and that road just keeps going and now we can’t stop running, but are we now running away from something or running towards it?

For me today has been a close inspection of recent years and recent events and how I thought I was running towards something, something better, something beautiful, only to find a detour on my route and as of this moment, I have no idea where that detour will take me…someplace better, happier? Or someplace bitter and darker? Only time will tell, but the road stretches out in front of me and I am on it…

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