Following the Leader

Another banner day, one for the books. We both had individual bricks from heaven today and when we had the opportunity to connect we found that our bricks were very similar and were reminding us that we need to find our way back to where we began. And what I love the most is that we can even through text […]

We Will Rise from the Ashes…

Saturday night and its been a quite but long day. Didn’t sleep well last night and yet as tired as I am, I’m wide awake. I tried to keep busy today as best as I can, found a new show to watch on Netflix to help pass time, took care of some laundry and took a shower, still weak from […]

Life is not a checklist

I sit here on this Friday night, upset, upset that I upset CJ. I honestly didn’t mean to, we had a beautiful day, full of text, videos, pictures and new stories about the Game and conversations again about many things. Our lunch date was again very tender when saying goodbye and the acknowledgement of things that need to be said […]

Unsaid words…

Day 2 post surgery, doing better much improvement over yesterday. Even had just enough energy to take a bath and soak, can’t get the incision site wet but that’s not a problem so it was nice, relaxing and the bubbles felt good to help clean and make me not feel so yucky. But as always since I am barely eating […]

On the horizon…Nakedness!!!

Post Surgery just over 24 hours, feels like a week. The surgery was ever-so nerve wracking, they were running late with the first surgery and sitting and waiting normally for me is easy, I can always find something to occupy myself, a book, talking to someone, napping whatever, patience is usually easy for me, but yesterday I was struggling with […]

KEY’ping it Safe

This has turned out to be an interesting aspect of late. While we can not be together at the moment we struggle with day to day temptations of the flesh. I can not speak for her and how this affects her, but as a guy temptations come at you all the time. In this post what am referring to is […]

Featuring TJ and CJ….

It’s Monday…one day to go before surgery, up early to be at the hospital for all the pre-surgery stuff. All went well, good to go for surgery, so I made a few stops on the way home, new sneakers, new sexy lacy underwear, I even bought red, I never wear red, but hey its a new me and it looked […]

Charlie is waiting for us…

I was able to get some sleep but got up and went to church as I felt that was the best place for me today. Still wished more than anything to be able to talk to the other at some point, but now understanding the ‘scared’ issue, I was a bit more calm and willing to be patient and focused […]

Key to your….?

Addendum 2: Arrived safely home about 1 am and was of course wide awake, so I unpacked and went through the mail and packages and here I am almost 2am and still wide awake….but I’ve come to some conclusions….yes, again!!! I am scared. It’s that simple. For the first time in I think my entire life, I want something so […]

Are we truly committed?

Addendum….its been a long day, traveling gives you too much time to think and think and people watch and more thinking….and I haven’t heard from the other half….and my heart hurts…I understand in general, but at the same time I don’t. I would do everything in my power to reach out and at least touch base, especially knowing how tenuous […]