Moves like….

Today started out pretty rough, we had some tough conversations this morning but I think we once again needed to clear the air and remind ourselves where we are, hear where the other is and take a moment to put ourselves in their shoes and step back – sometimes its hard to understand what another is going through especially when we get caught up in other things, forget to talk about certain things and one pushes to hard.

Communication is key in almost any relationship and it can be hard when we are still so very far apart, but the countdown has begun to my moving, I leave in 2 weeks and I feel changes in the air. So we took a step back today and had the hard morning and talked, communicated, reminded the other that one was pushing and one was not explaining very well…all reasons for frustration. Apologies were made and accepted and we were able to talk several times and have a video lunch and by the end of the day I felt we were stronger than when we started.

We talk about sex a lot, or being physical, or being naked and some might think that’s all our relationship is about, and that is absolutely not true, we have so many levels to us, however yes, a lot of us is based on a physical relationship because that is who we are. We are physical beings, we enjoy that physicality, we enjoy discussing it and planning new things and our life together. But we also talk about cooking and working out and camping, hiking, going on dates and going to church, we talk about a lot of things that pertain to the us that we are creating. But we both think it’s important to talk about the sexual and sensual side of us, we don’t want to be boring and old, we want to be free and fun and open and explore and we want people to see us and say, I want what they have, and part of that is talking about our sex life and being willing to try, have fun and be safe with each other.

I had a dream the other night that we had front row tickets to a concert and we while yes we were absolutely enjoying the concert, we were so engrossed in each other that the star stopped the show, upset because we weren’t paying attention to them. That’s what we are about, not being the star of the show, or being on stage, but being so blind to what other people think, or conforming to convention, who cares how we enjoy the show, we paid for the tickets, we were enjoying it in our own way, just happened that we were wrapped up in each other more than who was on stage. It makes some people uncomfortable and makes others want what we have. There is no room for ego, no room for one being better than the other, there is only room to help the other shine, to hold the other up, to be truly connected and to never want to let go of their hand or their arm, it feels like a magnetic pull to be not only near them, but drawn to them to be touching them, because they are a part of you.

A lot of people take this song at face value that its about sex and just that, and it is, however if you really dig a little deeper its about truly knowing someone on such an intimate level, that you would know them with your eyes closed and kiss them. Kissing them until you are drunk on them, the high that being that intimate and close and safe with someone is truly the most intoxicating thing in the world, no drug or alcohol can touch it. And looking into the eyes of someone who feels the same is doublly intoxicating.

So Yes, we talk about sex a lot and plan on having a lot of sexual encounters once we are together, but we also have a desire to connect on a deeper and more complete level that does have a physical component and requires complete trust in the other, but you can only get there by being sexual in the first place and open in that space.

So while I do not personally have moves like Jagger and neither does CJ, I am grateful, I like CJ’s moves better, they speak to me, they touch me and they move me and they are the moves that I want and need in my life.

Moves Like Jagger: Maroon 5

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