Just a normal day
Hump day, a Wednesday, just an average day. We’ve had some hard ones recently. Well not necessarily hard, but hard in the eternal perspective of wanting to do what is right and good and we’ve been taught and been given bricks from Him and promptings and teachings and have been shown a better way. He keeps reminding us that we need to stay on a certain path, we stray ever so slightly and He is so good and brings us back and the past week has been no exception. But there was a different tone to it, a more final feel. I know He will never give up on us, but sometimes, He can and will take away future blessings when we choose to walk in the opposite direction when we know that we have been shown a way and we purposely walk in ways He has not asked us to or has not chosen for us.
So while He continues to course correct us, we I think have finally come to see our shortcomings and are finally seeing His purpose and are finally in full agreement on the path forward. It wasn’t all easy, it wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns, in fact most of it was difficult, frustrating, tear-filled, and just plain hard. But that’s how we learn, that’s how we grow. When we choose to take those hard things and see them as opportunities to take them and grow, to stretch and to be better. And I think we are both doing that.
So today was kind of one of those take a breath moments. Take it all in and feel all the changes, see all the blessings that we have received. Enjoy the love He has showered upon us and look to the future with a brighter hope than we’d imagined when we started this journey together. Today was lighter, today was happier, today was just kinda a normal day.
We talked, texted, had a video lunch, shared pictures similar to other days, but today we only talked about the ‘situation’ in general terms a few times, everything else was random, beautiful, fun, flirty and filled with a newness of relief is the only way I can describe it. We still have a ways to go for the situation to resolve itself, but we are finally seeing the end of the tunnel, it doesnt have an exact date, but we know it’s there. I am down to single digits and we know that CJ will follow when the time is right and it shouldn’t be too much longer after that. I think I personally was fighting and feeling the need to have a date, to understand, but He has been teaching me to trust and that He has this and He will provide and I see the beauty in that now and I know that He has us and He will bring us together when it is right and it will be right soon. And then we will have normal days every day. Because normal will be US together.