Hello world!

Welcome to our world…a world where love, desire, nature and spirituality collide into a place where there once were two who now become one.

Our journey will be a personal, intimate, spiritual, sensual, romantic, intense and engaging road as we grow individually and as a couple within each of these spaces and others; as we try new things, as we reach beyond ourselves and into the other and as we look for a complete togetherness in each aspect of our lives.

Our route is beginning with researching, reading, learning what this journey might look like and avenues and side roads we might want to navigate which we will then put into practice. We already know that many things may overlap and that there is a very large learning curve here. We also are aware that some things may work and some may not, and that many of the practices we implement, if not most, will be outside of one or both of our comfort zones. Knowing all of this we have decided with complete trust in the other to begin this journey together to draw closer spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Our dream is to complete each other, to know each other so intimately that we are one.

With a complete understanding that this will have its ups and downs and will require complete honesty and trust in ourselves and in each other and we are committed to try to create our image of oneness.

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