Featuring TJ and CJ….
It’s Monday…one day to go before surgery, up early to be at the hospital for all the pre-surgery stuff. All went well, good to go for surgery, so I made a few stops on the way home, new sneakers, new sexy lacy underwear, I even bought red, I never wear red, but hey its a new me and it looked fun. Got some groceries so I don’t have to worry for a few days, and then home to take care of some things so I will be able to relax after the surgery.
Was able to connect with the other one all day, texting, video and calls, it was a lovely. We talked about a lot of things, my crazy posts over the weekend, their weekend, the surgery, plans, changes, us, soap, guns, you name it. It was nice, normal. And then I did something stupid, yup again. Well not really stupid per se, it was something we were talking about and were trying to research in a manner of speaking and lucky me, I was the one to hit pay dirt in the researching and in looking back, I should have left that up to them and just let it go. It wasn’t horrible or anything bad really, but I found something that just turned my stomach, I think mainly because I shouldn’t have done it and then I wouldn’t have seen what I saw. I sent the information to the other one and asked if they could talk and they immediately stopped what they were doing and made time for me understanding right away my issue. We sorted through it and had a few laughs and another wonderful talk and It’s all good.
Many things have seemed to pivot this weekend, my understanding and clarity and their situation has taken a nosedive so to speak and so we should be seeing changes, hopefully in a way that is clear, helpful and that we can work through easily enough.
One thing we talked about is finally introducing ourselves and as I am sure you can understand we’d like to protect our actual names at this time for many reasons, mainly family and friends, but who knows maybe one day we will share our real names with you, but for now know that everything else here is as true and honest as it can be. We are a previous couple who for a multitude of reasons made the mistake/choice (?) of walking away from each other, but not our love for each other. We both moved on to other relationships and have thankfully found our way back to each other, unfortunately we live in different states and so its taking time to make our way to the one location that we have chosen. I will be there first and then the other will join me. So I am TJ, the female of the couple and the other one is CJ the male of the couple. We are engaged in working towards a life that will encompass everything we have been through previously together, apart and in coming together again. And we are both learning hard lessons through this as those roadblocks have forced us to pivot, change, be patient, talk, communicate and learn each other. But I think we are in general doing well, we are still on the path to each other, because that’s where we want to be, where we need to be and we will traverse the path with the roadblocks to get to each other.
There are still some tough roadblocks, but I think finally with most of my hurdles completed and the surgery on my side tomorrow, and one pretty large hurdle on his side started, we are finally, hopefully at least on the down slide and can maybe just maybe see the light at the end of the tunnel.
We’ve also been playing a little game and CJ has been writing a very sensual/sexual story for us and our future, so while I am recuperating the plan is for me to take that story and all of our plans, fantasies, dreams and stories and compile them here as they are part of our story, so over the next few weeks on top of my daily posts (except maybe tomorrow, we will have to see how I feel), I will be adding some additional posts. And then on the flip side of that game coin, once he finishes his story, it’s my turn!! I have big shoes to fill, his story was provocative, beautiful, tender, sexually charged and just plain HOT and most importantly written from the point of view of us which makes it all the more exciting and exotic. So, I have some ideas, but we will have to see how creative I can get in writing and telling an exotic story featuring TJ and CJ!! CJ, you will just have to wait and see how I do, hopefully you wont be disappointed.
In the meantime, in the beautiful words of Chris Stapleton, CJ, I will hold the Weight of your World:
I want you to know wherever your road wants to go, I’ll never be far; I’ll always be right where you are. If you lose your way, If your hope is gone, Ill be the light that leads you home.
Give me your darkest hour, give me your deepest fear, just give me a call and I’ll be here. Give me the bars and the chains that wont set you free, give me the weight of your world and lay it on me.
There will come a time when all the words dont seem to rhyme, please lean on me until you find the harmony. When its hard to breathe, when the right seems wrong, I’ll be the hand that helps you along.
Give me your darkest hour, give me your deepest fear, just give me a call and I’ll be here. Give me the bars and the chains that wont set you free, give me the weight of our world and lay it on me.
Wherever you go, wherever you’ve been, anytime you need a friend.
Give me your darkest hours, give me your deepest fear, just give me a call and I’ll be here. Give me the bars and chains that wont set you free. Give me the weight of your world and lay it on me.
Oh, lay it on me. Oh lay it on me. Give me the weight of your world, just lay it on me.