Did you say tackle?
It’s another great Monday, well overall it was good. I got up with the alarm, I technically woke up about 10 minutes before, par for the course with me, but wanted to be sure to get a head start on getting up and getting back into the work schedule. I crossed off the pre-moving checklist for the day getting those items taken care of, all my rooms look bare, all the closets are empty, my halls are lined with labeled boxes of where they are going in the new space and it is getting exciting! Hard to believe I can now say that NEXT WEEK I will be moving!!, but next week it is and next week I will be in my new place. Next week still is 10 days away till I actually leave, but still that’s next week. Can’t believe it’s so close and I am feeling as close to normal for me as I have felt in some time, so the excitement is kicking in.
I was able to spend more time in prayer and studying, took to studying peace today and found some wonderful scriptures to pray over and reflect on. I have been enjoying this time not just reading but actually studying with a different perspective, a different purpose and it has truly helped me be more hopeful, more forgiving, and I have found much more peace today. I have some ideas for my next study, but I will wait to see what I am prompted to study if anything, if not I have some fall backs, but I am finding that anytime you are in the scriptures and studying you are blessed and the doors of heaven are opened unto you.
CJ and I had some wonderful opportunities to converse today via text, video and phone calls, so it was a great day for that. And I was able to watch him open his box, that was fun! I’m pretty sure he smiled a few times!! I enjoy that I can talk with him freely and honestly and openly and not be afraid or walk on eggshells of what I am going to say, yes sometimes I say sorry too much or I over-talk, but I can say what I need to because we can actually converse like adults….its been a hot minute since I have been able to do that. And It’s refreshing and wonderful and healing to know that you can trust someone and they you so much that you can openly talk about anything and everything with no repercussions. As long as we are being open and honest and not judging or accusing it can be a beautiful thing….and so today it was beautiful. I think we had one of the most open and honest conversations we have had in a while and that’s saying something for us. It was raw and vulnerable and just us.
I know God has been blessing us and has allowed us opportunities to pray for each other and together and to me that is powerful as He watches us grow individually and together. Our relationship is unique in so many ways, we are closer and more connected across the miles that most couples who live in the same home because we have been destined to be together and we know each other in different and deeper ways. And we are excited to delve even deeper into that as we are able to share physical space and search for the ultimate oneness keeping Him at the center of our relationship, turning all to Him, and giving Him all our gratitude and love.
I am feeling a peace more so than I have in some time that He is with us, He is on our side and He has given us an opportunity that not many receive. I find comfort in that, in His trust in us and His belief that we will take this beautiful opportunity and not waste it, but that we will lean into it together, hold each other up, support the other, strengthen the other and knowing that hand in hand we can accomplish this and that together we can tackle anything that comes our way.