I like feathers as well

Day 2: overall a really good day, hanging out with a great friend, shopping for my upcoming move, eating crappy fast food, talking, laughing, crying and laughing until we cried, until… Until it was time to spend the evening as planned with a group of old friends for a meet up that I had suggested, one that we have previously […]

Beauty from the Ashes

Today was day one of my trip, started out early but thankfully all went well at the airport and was so blessed to have a beautiful phone call with the other half and that United has free WiFi so we could continue to text. The flight wasn’t overly long and before I knew it landed at my destination where I […]

I wasn’t a good partner today…

Today the residual anxiety got the best of me and God kept sending bricks from heaven to push me back on track, but they just weren’t quite getting through. Funny how fear sometimes paralyzes us. This trip paralyzed me this past 24 hours and I struggled, struggled in a way that I don’t think I knew was possible. I’m that […]

Anxiety and Blessings

On a very rare occasion I have a little anxiety attack, small and manageable. This evening I suffered what felt like a tsunami of one, nothing I was doing would ease the worry, stress, fast heartbeat, fear, feeling sick to my stomach, and the lack of understanding why this was happening or what was causing it. Normally I am pretty […]

Better Days

Today was by far a better day, the stress of the weekend, the prayers, tears, more prayers and finding the strength to focus on what I know to be true has been tested and I am back on target, I am facing my true north again. I know what needs to be done, I know how to get there on […]

November and May…

November 12th is a historically important date in our history, not sure if the other half remembers that date, but I was reminded of the significance today while I was sitting in church. Last night was a rough night, not in a bad way, just the evening of continued praying and listening brought so much peace it was hard to […]

Miles to go and Agency

To clarify a few things, we live in different states and our goal is it be in the same state and the same space; and we have a plan in place; but one of us due to a current health issue has a surgery that needs to come first and cannot move until after that date; and one of us […]

Beauty in the Colors

A long day to be sure, and without even having to talk, this morning the other half read the post about our oldest and her dilemma because they just felt something was off…a connection was made and known and it was another beautiful moment of bearing our mutual worry while so far apart. Our daughter is fine thankfully and we […]

Big Pictures and Music Lyrics

It’s 3am and not the Matchbox Twenty song, but appropriate lyrics “ Well, she said it’s cold outside and she hands me my raincoat. She’s always worried about things like that. Well she said, it’s all gonna end and it might as well be my fault; and she’s only sleeps when it’s raining. And she screams, and her voice is […]

Beautiful Pictures…

The roadblocks of yesterday are still in play, but the destination of our journey is set, it will just take a little while longer to get there, but there is beauty in that as well. Beautiful things are worth waiting for and worth working towards. Separation in our physical space right now is difficult but it speaks also to the […]