Big Pictures and Music Lyrics

It’s 3am and not the Matchbox Twenty song, but appropriate lyrics

“ Well, she said it’s cold outside and she hands me my raincoat. She’s always worried about things like that. Well she said, it’s all gonna end and it might as well be my fault; and she’s only sleeps when it’s raining. And she screams, and her voice is strained and she says “Baby, it’s three am, I must be lonely”. And she says, “Baby, Well I can’t help but be scared sometimes. And the rains gonna wash away I believe it.”

Just got a text and then thankfully a phone call from our oldest child, in the middle of a hurricane, they have lost their home, lost everything…trees were uprooted with all the rain and flooding and crashed into their house and the house imploded in on itself, it’s gone….I saw the pictures.

Always a reminder to keep things in perspective that being alive is such a gift, and to take that gift and grab it by the horns and run with it. We have been conditioned in this life that finding happiness is something you buy or have or that the ‘Joneses’ have and you have to keep up with them, but that is not happiness, that is a fleeting feeling of need, want, greed and eventually emptiness. Yes we need things in order to survive but the burden of ‘stuff’ is just that a burden and I am in no way making light of our daughters situation or others as it is traumatic, horrific, painful and sad to go through; but the understanding that most come out with on the other side is the gift of life, the desire to unburden themselves with stuff and gratitude for that new outlook.

Happiness is finding and being with the one you love, the one you need like you need air to breathe, the one that fills your heart and soul with every feeling imaginable and then doubles and triples it to unimaginable heights; happiness is being able to put aside your ego, your needs and seeing the happiness in your other half as you create an environment of safety and love for them with no care in the world for yourself or needing them to return the favor so to speak as the world expects; but also knowing that your other half feels the same way and you have created this symbiotic relationship of openness, creativity, connection, oneness from pure love and understanding that the rest is unsubstantial and hinders the process.

So in the last 24hours I have received pictures of love and of loss and both have the same meaning that people are the most important things in our lives and that this journey we are on IS the true journey and I am grateful we are on it together, you are my Everything.

Everything by Lighthouse:

Find me here and speak to me. I want to feel you. I need to hear you. You are the light that’s leading me to the place where I find peace again.

You are the strength that keeps me walking. You are the hope that keeps me trusting. You are the life to my soul. You are my purpose you’re everything.

And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you? Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

You calm the storms and you give me rest. You hold me in your hands, you wont let me fall. You still my heart and you take my breath away. Would you take me in, take me deeper now?

And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you? Would you tell me how could it be any better than this? Cause You’re all I want, you’re all I need, you’re everything, everything.

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