Better Days
Today was by far a better day, the stress of the weekend, the prayers, tears, more prayers and finding the strength to focus on what I know to be true has been tested and I am back on target, I am facing my true north again. I know what needs to be done, I know how to get there on my end and my gratitude knows no bounds this day.
Gratitude for a Heavenly Father who knows me, knows my heart and understands that sometimes I learn the hard way and need a few bricks from heaven to knock some sense into me and to help me push satan out; grateful for a partner who also is patient and kind and has a strength that both of us needed this weekend; gratitude for the beauty within the chaos that can only be seen if you look for it; and I am grateful to have seen that beauty today.
Today we made time for each other, but in a different manner, a tender, sweeter, take a step back and just be together kind of time and it was beautiful and I know that if we choose this path each day we will be blessed and our broken road will be patched and covered over to help reroute the detours. As we do our part He will do His part, He has promised us that. I have tried to lean on my own understanding, which never gets me very far. So I will keep moving forward and we will keep moving forward together on this journey one step at a time, pushing one roadblock at at time out of our way and striving to focus on us through the process and giving thanks to Him.
What made today different? We made today like a day long ‘date’, we talked about all the little things and asked and answered questions getting to know each other in ways maybe we had missed over the separation and it was beautiful and happy and I haven’t smiled this much in awhile and I could feel the connection, the closeness, our oneness pulling us nearer and nearer as though the distance was not an obstacle.
I know everyday wont be like this, but it is now a guidepost for us on how to do this right and how to make the correct type of time for each other as we can, and as we open up and give of ourselves and our time to the other, we will have revelations of next steps, how to move forward and our end goals will be revealed to us. And as we continue to support the other in their situation, with words of support, sharing details, being there for the other or knowing how to ask for the support we need, we are learning the other one better and we are learning ourselves better. And throughout this ordeal, we continue to see that we are meant to be on this journey together, we are meant to find the desired road to the end, we are connected and that connection only grows stronger each and every day, we are here for the other and our desire to support the other is our strength and we know, we know how we feel and that is our superpower right now!