Beautiful Pictures…
The roadblocks of yesterday are still in play, but the destination of our journey is set, it will just take a little while longer to get there, but there is beauty in that as well. Beautiful things are worth waiting for and worth working towards.
Separation in our physical space right now is difficult but it speaks also to the strength of our connection as we continue to talk and discuss and be ourselves with each other. As we hold each other up and strengthen each other in our hardest moments we, for one more day away from each other find ourselves inexplicably drawn to each other, the proverbial moth to the flame. Appropriate as one of the topics we are looking to study, learn and apply to our journey is the Twin Flame theory and how that applies to our relationship, we have seen signs already of the twin flame connection which we will cover in more detail later, however, a simple breakdown of the twin flame connection has five general stages; 1. Recognition; 2. Separation; 3. Reunion; 4. Ascension and 5. Oneness; with stage 5 Oneness being our ultimate goal exploring the twin flame path as well as other options to see what works for us to connect to that higher level of two becoming one.
Stuck between Separation and Reunion is not ideal, but for us it kinda makes sense with our history and one day maybe we will look back and understand a little better the situation and the why behind this trial being upon us. But the Separation stage is a necessary part where two recognize their strong connection and have much to learn in this stage…the Reunion stage has also already begun in some small part as we have started walking the road back together, it will be a longer and slower phase with our situation being still physically separated. But technology is amazing and allows us to talk, chat, text and occasionally even have meetings to connect…but mostly it allows us to exchange beautiful pictures of all kinds to help us connect on a personal, physical and emotional level. And oh how grateful I am for those pictures when one of us is having a low moment or a missing moment or just want to see the other person moment.
So even though separated and re-connecting at the same time, there is beauty in the picture we are creating.