Dreams and Fantasies

Part 2 / Day 4: Last day at this particular place, and last night. It’s been a good day, a little rainy and dreary outside but good spending time talking and reminiscing and of course connecting with the other one. I didn’t want them to read yesterdays post, but then figured it would just be easier to have them read […]

Is it a detour or something else?

Part 2 / Day 2: Was able to sleep last night the cooler temps have been wonderful and make sleeping easier, but colder also makes one want to snuggle up to someone in the mornings in their bed. And today my bed was lonely…I feel there will be a lot of lonely mornings coming my way. The day was quiet, […]

Beautiful Rain

Part 2 / Day 1: Today I landed at my second destination and it was quite the trip, long, tiring, babies crying, and mechanical problems on the second leg. We were about half boarded on the plane and had to deplane so they could turn off the plane and restart some systems and then start the process all over again, […]

Hanging out

day 5: it was a good day!! Finally a normal day. One filled with friends, laughter, lunch, shopping for deals and a beautiful sunny day. And best of all was talking to the other half twice today. It was an extra measure of a blessing. So after the beauty of the day. I am currently standing in a very long […]

It’s never 50/50.

Day 4: While technically I still have one more day of this part of the trip, the hardest parts are over, tomorrow is a good day, a day spent hanging out with a different friend who has been a true support for a very long time and I am excited to just have a regular day. Some more shopping, looking […]

Doing hard things brings peace

Day 3: today was a lot harder than I had imagined, I knew what I was walking into and knew what I had to do. What I didn’t expect was to be greeted with a warm hug, a smile and even a touch of gratitude for being there. Felt a little lopsided, off-kilter. How do I process this, what do […]

I like feathers as well

Day 2: overall a really good day, hanging out with a great friend, shopping for my upcoming move, eating crappy fast food, talking, laughing, crying and laughing until we cried, until… Until it was time to spend the evening as planned with a group of old friends for a meet up that I had suggested, one that we have previously […]

Beauty from the Ashes

Today was day one of my trip, started out early but thankfully all went well at the airport and was so blessed to have a beautiful phone call with the other half and that United has free WiFi so we could continue to text. The flight wasn’t overly long and before I knew it landed at my destination where I […]

I wasn’t a good partner today…

Today the residual anxiety got the best of me and God kept sending bricks from heaven to push me back on track, but they just weren’t quite getting through. Funny how fear sometimes paralyzes us. This trip paralyzed me this past 24 hours and I struggled, struggled in a way that I don’t think I knew was possible. I’m that […]

Anxiety and Blessings

On a very rare occasion I have a little anxiety attack, small and manageable. This evening I suffered what felt like a tsunami of one, nothing I was doing would ease the worry, stress, fast heartbeat, fear, feeling sick to my stomach, and the lack of understanding why this was happening or what was causing it. Normally I am pretty […]