Reality Check

Today it hit me that tomorrow, Friday is my last day of freedom….i’ve known its coming, I’ve talked about it, but it hit me out of the blue today and it was a strange feeling. Next week everything changes, and I mean everything and I have no idea how it’s all going to turn out. So kinda had a mini […]

Just a normal day

Hump day, a Wednesday, just an average day. We’ve had some hard ones recently. Well not necessarily hard, but hard in the eternal perspective of wanting to do what is right and good and we’ve been taught and been given bricks from Him and promptings and teachings and have been shown a better way. He keeps reminding us that we […]

Pros and Cons for the demon slayer in you

Have you ever had a decision that you just couldn’t make; one that was so convoluted but should be simple and at the core probably is but life is swirling around and around and you cant see through it to the core of the issue? A few years ago I read a book called the Art of Swedish Death Cleansing, […]

Did you say tackle?

It’s another great Monday, well overall it was good. I got up with the alarm, I technically woke up about 10 minutes before, par for the course with me, but wanted to be sure to get a head start on getting up and getting back into the work schedule. I crossed off the pre-moving checklist for the day getting those […]

Exact timing..HIS

I didn’t sleep at all last night, a few short catnaps if you can call them naps, fraught with anger at myself, pain for hurting CJ and longing to be able to communicate to no avail, believe me I tried. It was a very very long night. I spent the night in prayer and supplication to God and He kept […]

Beauty in the Nosedive

Friday, never my favorite day. And to top it off, another rough day, but sometimes hard is required of us and we all go through tough times, it’s how we handle them. Today was a semi-well-handled day, I could not have imagined that CJ could have handled it better than he did and it was a rough one. I spent […]

Thank God I do….

Today was the follow up to the surgery and it went well, said that I am healing well and was given the ok to move forward with all the things, still cant lift anything for a few weeks and still need to take it easy but overall, finally on the right track. Everything for the move seems to also be […]

Going to Church

Feeling better still, so that’s a good sign, the food/carb loading I did is doing its job, my stomach is defiantly not happy, but I can deal with that. Getting past that hump of having no energy which leads to apathy of not eating, not being hungry is a vicious cycle that is hard to get through and makes recovery […]

The Best Days are with you

Mondays are not normally a favorite for most people, but lately they have become a favorite of mine. It’s a day I am assured to speak to CJ, especially if I have not spoken to him over the weekend. Gratefully I have been able to speak to him more and more frequently and it’s been wonderful. Today was no exception, […]

Following the Leader

Another banner day, one for the books. We both had individual bricks from heaven today and when we had the opportunity to connect we found that our bricks were very similar and were reminding us that we need to find our way back to where we began. And what I love the most is that we can even through text […]