From morning till night

Started my day again talking to CJ while he drove to work, I really like starting my day with him in this way. Since I cant see him and hug and kiss him good bye in the morning, talking to him while he drives and I am doing my morning routine at the space is a nice way to connect […]

A Perfect Kiss

Slowly getting back into the groove of a routine, getting up, doing things in the morning and then settling into work, today talked to CJ on his drive to his work and that was great, we havent done that before, and that set the tone for my morning. Starting my day talking to him was perfect. It was a long […]

I’m a very lucky girl

Today started out a little rough, dealing with some maintenance issues at the space and additional internet snaffu’s, which I am praying will be resolved tomorrow, was a rough day trying to work on my hotspot while having the worst carrier in this area and only having 1 bar so kept getting kicked out and losing where I was, but […]

Let the adventure begin

It’s been a really really long few days, the final day of packing/loading the Uhaul, then the actual drive to North, got on the road Thursday and did about 4.5 hours and then stopped for the night at a friends, and then Friday did the remainder, it was a very long day on small back roads, very few highways, or […]

Let’s complete the puzzle

A historic day, yesterday was Election Day and Trump won, politics like religion are always tough topics, but for me it was a good day, is Trump perfect, not at all, but he has a proven record of driving our country to a better place and as a businessman, I feel he is the man for the job and I […]

My Great Escape…

Ever have a song in your life that you relate to but it really doesn’t relate to your life? I’ve had several but this one song has always just touched me and it’s always been in the back of my mind and just is one of my all time favorite songs, but has absolutely nothing to do with or anything […]

Getting out of Dodge…

It’s Monday….its been a long week since my last Monday post…almost hard to believe the changes that have happened, many big, many small, many imperceptible to anyone but us. But they have all been for our good, for our learning and for us to grow together and individually. Last Monday was a good day, but on the tails of a […]

Sunday Lights…

Today was another odd day in a string of weird/odd days, but I guess that’s the norm for the moment. Today was my last day at church with these friends. I pulled in and strangely enough parked in the same spot I parked in just over a year ago when I pulled in for the first time….different feelings this time, […]

A prayer and a hope

One week from now, I will be sitting in my new apartment, and ill be sleeping in my same bed, but in a new location, hopefully things will go smoothly enough that I’ll have enough put away that I can enjoy a peaceful night, that’s the plan. I’ve organized and planned and prayed that it will work out that way, […]

Make sure your seatbelts are fastened.

Friday, recently my least favorite day of the week, maybe one day in the future I will enjoy them again but for now, not a favorite and today was a doozy of a Friday. It started out almost idyllic, beautiful and wonderful and then bam…life slams a door in your face, and reactions happen and we were both reeling this […]