A perfect beast

Another great day for the books, and yes even though it’s Friday, it was a good day. CJ is close..ish to town for the weekend and so with my part time schedule I was able to finish work and drive to where he is. We only had a lunch date, but it was a beautiful lunch date.

We took some fun pictures of US, started with him and the beast in the cage while I have the key around my neck, most have our heads cut out but we took a few of us together and they are beautiful. Our first pictures together this time around and if I may say so, we look good together, happy, meant to be, and content to be together.

It was a lovely day outside and we sat in my car at a park and just talked and hung out and kissed and touched and had a little fun in the car. I couldn’t help myself. I have been waiting to have my way with the beast and I just couldn’t stop. And since the beast was already out for the pictures, I just had to take him out of his cage and play with him. CJ took some pictures and videos of me doing my blow job work and I enjoyed every moment of it….it was absolutely exhilarating to be there with him, to be out in public, but yet kinda hidden in the car and to be able to pleasure him. He however took the opportunity to use his big beautiful strong hands and reach around and finger me and he brought me to orgasm at least three times…but it all turned me on. Being outside, being sexual in public, giving him a blow job, hearing his pleasure, feeling his pleasure as he came in my mouth, and it all turned me on even more as he played with me. It was just about as perfect a lunch date as you could have, ok well the second most perfect lunch date.

We have one more date planned on Monday as our schedules so far this weekend are not in sync but we are hoping for a quick resolution to his situation so that we can finally be in closer proximity and then finally in the same space. So we keep looking forward, we keep our eyes focused on the prize and the end of the tunnel, we keep focused on the future and us and our togetherness and the future we are creating and all the exciting things we have planned. Not just the physical and sexual but the intellectual and learning and growth, the cooking together, the hikes and walks and adventures and all the things on our lists we have planned.

So until then we meet where we can and while we can and enjoy some fun and games and sex and kissing and I get to enjoy giving CJ blow jobs, because let me tell you again, I am one very very lucky girl to be able to have the beast, he is perfect.

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