I’m a very lucky girl
Today started out a little rough, dealing with some maintenance issues at the space and additional internet snaffu’s, which I am praying will be resolved tomorrow, was a rough day trying to work on my hotspot while having the worst carrier in this area and only having 1 bar so kept getting kicked out and losing where I was, but I managed and we got through it, slowly but surely.
But the day turned on its heels as today was a day to be able to connect with CJ, yes actually physically connect, he was in the same town as me just for a quick afternoon, but oh how beautiful it was to lay my eyes on him, I could barely breath it was such a joyous and beautiful moment. I literally skipped like a school girl to the door to greet him….He was able to drop off some of his things and so now I have his clothes hanging in the closet and in his dresser and other small things around, so I feel his presence even more with me when he’s not here.
Wrapping my arms around him and him wrapping his around me was by far one of the most fabulous feelings I have ever felt, it was absolutely perfect. It was better than I could have ever imagined and his kisses, oh how sweet and tender and were exactly what I needed. He even picked me up and held me tight as I wrapped my legs around him and we just embraced and kissed…it truly was heavenly.
We’ve talked quite a bit about how this moment would go after not seeing each other for some time, and how we would handle it, take it slow, jump right in, only do this, only do that…and we were both nervous and shaking when we first hugged, but it was a precious nervous like is this really happening, is this a dream kinda nerves. But they passed and we just kept touching each other, holding each other, hugging and kissing and we just allowed the afternoon to progress as it needed to. As our journey here will be about many things, and we’ve discussed the need to be physical and get the wiggles out, I can tell you that today was a really good start at getting the wiggles out, we took our time, connected, made a lot of eye contact to ensure we were on the same page and CJ asked me several times if I was ok and if this is what I wanted. I loved that we can connect like that and it’s beautiful and not condemning if I had said no I wasn’t ready or didn’t want to, but I needed CJ today physically just as much as I need air to breathe. His body next to mine holding mine and connecting on another level after all this time was precious, beautiful, perfect, wondrous, heavenly, and exactly what we both wanted and needed.
Of course we had fun, we were a little adventurous, CJ carried me while still physically connected to the kitchen and placed me on the counter for a few minutes since the height works great for some fun. We enjoyed every side of the bed and each other and just took each other in and couldn’t let go. And let me tell you, the orgasms were well orgasmic for lack of anyway else to put it. It’s been a very long time for me to have been brought to orgasm by someone and CJ did not disappoint from the get go, he was all about taking care of me and well, I lost count of how many times I had an orgasm at his hands or tongue for that matter…it was breathtaking. He is very talented and I am one very very very luck girl!!!!
When our sexual escapades were over, we cuddled, talked, kissed, hugged, kissed some more, touched and just were in the moment. I personally have never been so in the moment as I was was today, nothing else mattered, nothing else was important, I could have cared less if the sky was falling, I only had eyes, ears and hands and anything else for CJ.
Neither of us wanted it to end, he took a quick shower and had a tour of the space and we walked around naked and touched and kissed and held each other and then sat and talked for a bit and then moved back to the bedroom and layed in each others arms talking, kissing, holding each other and soaking in the other and the moment.
But alas it did have to end. At least for today, we got dressed and slowly parted ways, still hugging and kissing and not wanting the moment to end or to let go, but sadly we did and while hard, it was beautiful to come back into the space and see him here and to take his stuff and put it away, hanging up his clothes in the closet for him and filling the dresser and putting away a few other things for him. It’s now our home even if he’s not here full time yet, it’s our home that we are creating a beautiful future and a promise of something more.
As I sat here the remainder of the afternoon, I could smell him on me and I have a shirt he wore yesterday so I can smell his essence for a few days, just another connection until the next step and he comes home.
Oh and he brought me a beautiful gift, a key on a chain, a key to him. I have one already on my keys, but this one, this one is one I can always have with me and feel him near and know that we are connected on another level as this key is not a key to his heart necessarily but a key to a cage he wears, a male chastity cage that we have discussed and he wears as he needs, but now I have a key to that and to him with me around my neck.
So things are progressing, steps are being taken and we are one day and one moment closer to our dream and for me today just solidified that we are exactly on the right path, exactly where we need to be and where beautiful things will happen.