Hanging out
day 5: it was a good day!! Finally a normal day. One filled with friends, laughter, lunch, shopping for deals and a beautiful sunny day. And best of all was talking to the other half twice today. It was an extra measure of a blessing.
So after the beauty of the day. I am currently standing in a very long line at the airport just waiting for the ticket counter to open for the overnight flights so we can all check our bags. It’s getting to be a very long line. So grateful to be here early and ready. I’d hate to be at the end of the line. The airport is busy and I had hoped to be able to sit and relax and get my iPad out and type this out much more comfortably, instead I am standing in line typing on my phone and I can’t see what I am typing on the screen. I have to save read and go back and forth. Not ideal but it’s giving me something to do. So there’s that.
Today was a reminder once again of all the things to be grateful for and it started first thing as I was able to talk to the other half almost first thing and it was a good, normal, general conversation filled with kindness, tenderness and a mutual feeling of connection and how we see things moving forward. I enjoy that we generally are on the same page. And while the physical tendency would be to just want to jump into bed and it will be a huge temptation. We have a desire to just want to be together.
I know that communication for many is difficult because they seem to want to make it difficult. But we seem to thrive on communicating and talking and sharing and ensuring we are on the same page and while I am sure it won’t always be perfect alignment, for now we have both been through and endured so much and know what we want and need and see things on the same wavelength. I can already feel our connection growing stronger and our future in oneness shaping up on our future path. We previously talked about our life sketch and the beautiful painting being created and while my weekend was filled with much darkness the strength from my other half covered that darkness with brilliant colors and the painting is slowly coming to life in a way that is tangible and meaningful and with a pattern that I can see us utilizing through this process. The strengthening and holding up the other when needed, the taking when needed and giving when necessary and the end of each moment knowing we are in this together, that we have the same goal and that soon will be a word that I never use again in relation to us.
Oh how I miss you my dear other half. How I have smiled at your texts and calls and how grateful I am to laugh and hope and for the privilege to pray for you in your situation and that you will feel me near you always. And once again and forever how grateful to know that ‘soon’ we will be is and be able to take our time to enjoy each other and take each moment as the gift it is.
And as always, I am yours. And I’m looking forward to trying all those tips I’ve learned!!!