
Finding Oneness is a long journey and is commonly called Oneness, Spiritual Awakening, Enlightenment, Connection, Spiritual Integration, Spiritual Calling, evolution and many others, but no matter what you call the path that you are on, it takes research, determination and a lot of time to understand your path forward before you can even begin to reach the beginning stages of finding oneness.

And it depends on what kind of oneness you are seeking. Almost everything I have read in regards to this path, describe some type of spiritual or belief system that is ingrained in who you are pulling you and pushing you at the same time to find your next phase of who you are.

Belief in something greater, a higher power is for us essential to our path to oneness as we determine where we are going, who we are together and who we are looking to attain oneness with. We have a firm belief in a God that has created us as beautiful and perfect beings in his eyes and we are looking to align closer to Him together in our oneness quest.

Yes, its a quest, maybe not in the fantasy or knights of the round table type, but still a quest as we have a goal to reach that will not be easy and we will see hardships and beauty along the way.

We are in the beginning stages of our quest. We are finally in our shared space and have been for a few weeks now, but wanted to enjoy the bubble of being back together and all that entails before moving on and sharing that part of our journey, but there will be much more on that soon. Needless to say that the wiggles are coming along nicely, living together has not been a challenge but has been a very smooth transition and as we end this year of hardship, tears, laughter and most importantly love, we are more sure than ever that we are on the right path, in the right place and have a beautiful future before us as we strive to find our oneness with each other and with our creator.

If you’re interested, here are just a few of the many, many, many articles, blogs and notes we have researched before and during our initial stages of finding oneness. May our journey and these help you find your path forward.

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