Time to dig in

It’s the weekend, and what a beautiful weekend it has been, what a beautiful week it has been. Last weekend was a rough one and Sunday was a very hard day for both of us but it ended with CJ coming over to spend the night. That hard day resulted in CJ being closer to town again, and he was able to get a hotel near enough to town for us to spend some time on the road going back and forth, between his hotel and the shared space we have been able to spend every night together and it has been blissful.

This week has allowed us to spend time doing normal evening things and we even had a candlelit dinner on Friday evening at home.

Looking back, the past few weeks and months have been exceptionally difficult, exceptionally beautiful and have made each of us rely on Him as well as each other. This time has provided us with the chance to talk, strengthen our friendship, share, help, serve and to learn to rely on one another through the distance and even now as we have been able to share so much time and space together, we have had to work through continued patience, communication and leaning on the other.

We have been able to look to the future and see what it around the corner for us in small measure, and He has continued to provide us with peace and comfort and His path for us as we choose to spend time with Him. We have made it a point pray each day morning and evening together and to continue to pray for our situation and for the future. I am so grateful that we have come through this, but there are still a few small speed bumps ahead, but the way is finally clearing, the way is almost our path forward.

So as we explore our path forward, yes there has been many discussions and practicing on the physical side of things and let me tell you that’s part of the future is clear and bright and brilliantly amazing. Our sexual/sensual side of things is working very well indeed, and we are enjoying getting the ‘wiggles’ out so to speak but we spend a lot of time just being in one another’s presence, sitting and touching and connecting, talking and almost always naked to some degree, it’s a little cold here so sometimes a few pieces of clothing or a blanket to take the chill off.

We’ve done normal things to, shopping, going out to eat, getting gas, cooking, he needed a new coat so we went and did that as well, we’ve taken out the trash and dropped of items to a local donation center and driven all over the place. Its been lovely having him drive and to be in one car and talk and hold hands as we drive.

We’ve also made a few stops at some adult stores and have purchased a few fun items, some dice for some fun foreplay games and then some more adult toys that may or may not have been used this evening, resulting in a very delightful experience for the both of us.

So now as we have thoroughly enjoyed this week, the next step will be for CJ to move officially to town and to our shared space. I have so much of his stuff there and love having him in the space and his stuff around and us doing things together. So coming soon we will certainly have much to look forward to, waking up each day together and preparing for our days, to CJ coming home after work and enjoying beautiful evenings together and just being US for real.

It’s been a long road, it will be a little while longer before its complete, but he will be here very very soon and then we can finally move forward with our plans and really dig into our next steps.

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