Hold on
Another Monday for the books!! The good books that is. It was a long night, I didn’t sleep well, the king size bed at the hotel was way too big, too much room and too lonely to be in it by myself, note for next time to go ahead with the 2 queen beds in a room. But I managed to make it through the night and got up once again before my alarm went off and so I got up and puttered around getting ready for the day and took a shower to wake up more than anything but also to be fresh and clean and ready for the days adventures.
Working today from the hotel was easy, there was an issue at work so all my meetings were cancelled so that gave me plenty of time to relax and focus on what I needed to do and to focus on CJ and our time together today.
We connected all morning from when we woke up to when he drove to his worksite for the day and then all morning and we played one of our little games and rolled the dice, but I chose to opt out of my turn and gave control over to CJ to run the show for the morning before he arrived at the hotel for his lunch break. And what a morning it was…it was delightful, fun, adventurous, sexy as well and what a turn on and made me more than ready for when he walked in the door. He enjoyed keeping me busy every 30 minutes doing things like touching myself or playing with myself and sending pictures or videos or whatever he required as required by the rules that I agreed to. The first and last rule was that when he arrived at the hotel I was to be at the door naked and waiting for him.
And boy was it amazing to have him walk in that room. To have to wait even a moment while he took off his boots and jacket were excruciating, I just wanted to jump in his arms. But I waited as patiently as I could in that moment, but it wasn’t easy….he pulled me into his arms and hugged and kissed me and as I began taking his shirt off he took his jeans and underwear off and we were off and running, naked bodies pressed against the other, deep passionate kisses, touching and holding each other closely and the gazing at another was next level. We definitely enjoyed our time together, more photos and videos and a lot of beautiful passionate and intense sex transpired.
I could stare at him forever, I could watch him work and I could have his hands on me every moment and I would never ever be bored as long as I am next to him or near him. I am absolutely and totally enamored with him and today just once again spoke to my heart and my brain and every fiber in my body that what we have is special, different, next level, rare, beautiful and absolutely incredibly what is missing in this world. True, pure, divine love that transforms us immediately from two to one and we haven’t even begun the process of true oneness which is our goal, mission, our purpose.
We did have a little public display, the toilet was broken and the maintenance man other than trying to bust in the room, once I let him in, I got back partially under the covers with CJ and we continued what we were in the middle of and I was on top of CJ at that moment and when the guy was done, he peeked his head around the corner and let me know he was done, I don’t think he realized CJ was there or what was going on, however he did see me open the door in just a towel so the fact he even looked for me is concerning if I had been in the room alone. But either way, we continued and so I am sure he figured out pretty quickly what was going on but did leave. It was entertaining, but neither of us were about to stop or give up our limited time because someone was in the bathroom. So we continued and had a glorious afternoon.
Sadly, like all good things, it did have to end and we got dressed and packed up and CJ went to work and I drove back to my town. I can still smell him on me as I sit here typing this and it is intoxicating to have his scent on me and soon he will be home and I can have his scent always near me. We are so close, we are almost to the end of the tunnel, we are almost past all the major roadblocks, we are just about there, just need to hold on a little longer. Hold on to the promises we have been assured of, hold on to the future what we both need and want, hold on to the opportunity we have before us to learn and grow together, hold on to the adventures we have planned and hold on to the everyday things that will bring happiness and joy into our days together. And no matter what comes our way in the near future or long term, we can handle anything as long as we handle it and face it together. We can do anything as long as we are one in every way and that means all in, all in to the hard, the fun, the difficult, the good and the bad and I look forward to every moment and in every moment my favorite part will be holding onto you.