He makes my heart smile
My first full Saturday here in the new space, yes I was here last weekend but that was moving day, so this constitutes a first. I did my best to try to sleep in, but my body had other ideas and 6am came and I was awake…laid in bed for awhile just thinking and dreaming of CJ and the future. Finally got up and grabbed my IPad and got to work, but I stayed in bed. I had a plan for the day!
First I needed to rid myself of my current phone carrier, it’s horrible here and I rarely have more than one bar and it keeps dropping calls, which is not good when I am trying to connect with CJ especially. So in order to do that since I am flipping from an IPhone to a Samsung I need to prepare. Last night I moved files and documents and made sure all the photos were uploaded and so this morning I got organized with the apps, sites and password just in case, since I know many things will not transfer easily and Ill have to do some things manually. So my morning was getting that ready.
Then the daily tasks set in and normally I would clean during the week but decided that I would vacuum and touch up here and there and then took a shower to get ready for my day. Made an omelet and cleaned up. Took out the trash and the remaining boxes to the trash. I like that it’s literally just outside the main door so I dont have to go far, as is the mailbox and the amazon package locker so it’s all convenient.
So all ready at home, off I went and just like everything else, the phone store was just up the road less than 2 miles, I really like this place, everything is just right there and easy to get to and very convenient. I was the only one there, was a little surprised for it being a Saturday afternoon, but I guess I timed it right because by the time I was there a bit and then by the time I left there were a lot of people in there. The rep was great, we had a good time talking, she was young but very knowledgeable and just had a great attitude and was very intelligent and we had some good talks about the world, religion, life and people while we did our thing…getting a new account takes some time.
We joked with the supermoon last night that it was wreaking havoc on all the technology and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised, so something’s took a little longer, but we enjoyed our time talking and made the best of it. And at the end of our time, I had a new phone that I got for free, no monthly fees, but I did buy a watch as well, been needing one and that does have a monthly fee since I had to purchase it but it was worth it…..
Ran to target to pick up some more items that I realize I don’t have, just small stuff, but I was out and it was right there and so convenient and while I was there I grabbed her a gift she was so amazing. We had been talking about my Owala water bottle and she didnt like the one she has, so I grabbed one for her for her hard work and dedication and taking her time with me, I appreciate it when people are good at their job and like to let them know. So I ran back over to the store and dropped it off and to say she was surprise and thrilled was an understatement, I think I made her cry happy tears. But I was happy to do it and it made me feel good to give to another.
Anyway back home and tackled the watch and the phone, it’s gonna take me a while to figure it out, I really need CJ’s help, but I did my best to at least get things set up and things transferred over and uploaded and just started playing around with it, thats the only way I will get used to it.
Due to the phone transferring issue, I did miss some of CJ’s texts, I was sad about that, but we were able to connect a few times via text and then phone again and that made the day so much better. It’s difficult when you are someplace new and you really dont know anyone yet to call up and say hey lets go out to dinner or a movie or shopping, but that will come with time, but in the meantime, its lonely on every front and I just miss CJ so much and cannot wait until he comes home.
But the promise of another lunch date is on the horizon and I am excited. As I am driving to his location this time, I am partially packed so I can leave mid afternoon tomorrow and wont need much anyway. I am leaving early so as I can spend the night there and not have to traverse traffic and worry about being late on Monday, I can work remotely at the hotel before meeting with him and then I am not stressed and we can enjoy our lunch date.
So overall it’s been a busy and good day, but still stressful being alone and having those moments where the reality of that loneliness hits you. But then I hear from CJ and I hear his voice and he is a balm to my soul, he calms me and makes me smile and he makes my heart smile. So as long as we can connect and always return to each other, we will get through this.