Let’s complete the puzzle
A historic day, yesterday was Election Day and Trump won, politics like religion are always tough topics, but for me it was a good day, is Trump perfect, not at all, but he has a proven record of driving our country to a better place and as a businessman, I feel he is the man for the job and I am grateful that the American people were able to have their voices heard for the need to change the trajectory of our country that has gone not just sideways, but upside down, backwards and is swirling the drain. I don’t envy him the job and while many would say he’s not a politician, that’s exactly why he can do this and fix what is broken because he doesn’t play the games, he runs the country like a business, because that is what the politicians and government and lobbyists have made it. So he’s the only one who can run the machine that they built. I do feel that we were on a precipice of total chaos or the possibility to have some time to fix what is broken and I do believe that Heavenly Father has opened eyes, softened hearts and allowed our country which was founded on religious freedoms to survive to fight for itself, to strengthen from the inside, to be for the everyday man, to work to turn the tides of evil. I pray that Trump has that chance, but it will be an uphill battle as those that play the game behind the scenes are already working to thwart him and he’s not even in office yet. I feel sad for those people, they are so out of touch with reality and how most Americans live or what our daily lives are like, how so many have to choose to pay a light bill or buy food, or have no idea what its like to buy anything new, our structure is so lopsided and so many have so much and dont help those who have nothing, or very little.
I am not one where I help out monetarily a lot, but I do have a heart that loves and cares and will help out as I am able in other ways; do you need a ride somewhere, can I buy you some groceries, do you need a shoulder to cry on, or I’ve been prompted to pray for you or send you a card/letter because He knows that the day you will receive it will be the day you need it…those things I can do and I do and I enjoy serving in those capacities and I try to ask for ways to help and serve others, but I am more of a behind the scenes kinda girl, not a front and center look at me and what I am doing kinda girl. But I am also the girl who like so many struggle to ask for help.
I was however the recipient of service tonight and I am so grateful for good people and good friends who willingly help with smiles and helping hands. Had a good group of men from church come and bring down all the furniture from upstairs and load the uhaul with all the furniture and boxes. All the while, I could not lift a box and felt silly standing and watching and doing nothing while they did hard labor on my behalf. But my gratitude knows no bounds for people who are so willing to sacrifice their time and effort and energy and sweat and tears for another, sometimes for someone they don’t even know. They serve because He asked them to and so they do, so I try to do the same, but we all have our own way of serving and helping another.
It honestly didnt take very long, but when helping hands are serving Him, it can be hard work, but it can also be interspersed with fun and enjoyment and so a lot of talking and laughter was heard tonight as people chatted and talked and of course checked in with me and made sure I was ok, doing better and that my travel plans were under control…a lot of concern for my welfare and safety were expressed. So the time to complete the task was extended due to the enjoyment of serving and being with friends. I have a 15’ uhaul and honestly at the end of the day truly could have done with the 10’ and had I been able to tow my car with the full car tow, I would have done it and then it would have been packed nice and tight and nothing moving around, now things are more apt to move but the men all came prepared and did a great job of tying things down as best they could and so here’s praying and hoping nothing breaks, but as you know I have been cleaning out, if it does, I will know it was something I probably didnt need or should have gotten rid of. At least I will tell myself that.
On a different note, CJ had some hard news today and it was difficult and disappointing and hard to digest. Nothing to do with us or the situation but just situational and is a bump in the road we weren’t planning on and requires a choice of two avenues and both are hard in their own way, but at the end of it, it will all work out, I know it will. I tried telling him that if we work together on this, there is nothing we cant accomplish!
And also very sadly, while we did connect via text and video today, we didn’t get to have our evening call today that we have both gotten very used to, with the loading of the truck on my end the timing was just off, and boy I missed that, it was like my day was incomplete by not having that time with him. I know its only temporary but I need CJ almost as much as I need air to breathe and when I don’t get my fill or cant take in a full breathe my entire body is impacted and reacts like a piece of me is missing, because it is. CJ is my missing piece and one day soon, we will finally complete the puzzle.