Thank God I do….

Today was the follow up to the surgery and it went well, said that I am healing well and was given the ok to move forward with all the things, still cant lift anything for a few weeks and still need to take it easy but overall, finally on the right track.

Everything for the move seems to also be on the right track and going well, spent a lot of time yesterday going all the last minute moving list to make sure I have everything checked off or accounted for to be checked off and I am in a good place, all is as it should be and I was able to check off a few more things today.

I know there will be a few new things I will need at the shared space, big things like a couch and possibly a guest bed, but realized last night I have no idea what’s in my kitchen boxes so tried to make a list of the things I absolutely know I will need, like a toaster and glasses and cannot for the life of me remember if I have knives…I have silverware, but knifes? No idea, so unpacking the kitchen just might be a surprise and I am sure there will be a list. I have a growing grocery list so I can go shopping soon after I get there and going to buy a couch will also be a priority.

I sent a surprise box to CJ today, well he knows the box is coming, but what’s in it is a surprise, I am hopeful it will get there on Friday, didn’t want to pay the exorbitant overnight prices, he can wait one more day…just silly but something he said to me the other day in a text stuck with me and so as I told him, his wish fairy decided to grant him a wish.

Not much else has changed, Cj’s situation is still the same, so I am trying to come to grips with the fact that I will most likely be in the shared space by myself, possibly for quite sometime, not happy about it, but as he is fond of saying, it is what it is. The days are so quickly dwindling that there is no other outcome right now, unless something drastic changes and I am not seeing evidence that it will. So praying, listening and turning to Him to guide us through and what His plan is and what His timing is. He will show us the way, He has been good to us and I pray that we will continue to lean on Him, listen and follow.

I did share something with CJ today that I saw an online, it says “when you’re going through something hard and you keep wondering where God is, remember, teachers never talk during a test.” I am praying that CJ will continue to cling to this knowledge as he awaits his answer from Him. Sometimes answers are not clear, direct, but small and without words, but all of the time, we need to trust and step out in faith, He will guide. And I am grateful that He does, I don’t know what I would do if we had to traverse this alone and without his guidance.

Lauren Daigle Thank God I do; a song I needed tonight.

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