The Best Days are with you

Mondays are not normally a favorite for most people, but lately they have become a favorite of mine. It’s a day I am assured to speak to CJ, especially if I have not spoken to him over the weekend. Gratefully I have been able to speak to him more and more frequently and it’s been wonderful. Today was no exception, he made the rule today that we were going to have a more light hearted day after a few general situational exchanges, he only wanted to talk about us, focus on us and it was so nice and it was a good day. A good day in the midst of so many hard ones, but like I’ve told him, I feel like we have turned a corner, in a different way, like a light at the end of the tunnels kinda corner.

I realize there is still more to go through and neither one of us are at our shard space destination, but we are almost there. I leave in 17 days, the days just keep counting down and I am so grateful that its moving faster and faster and while there are many things I need to still do, the bulk is done but its now all the little things that seem to find their way to needing done.

I am feeling better today, turning another corner from the surgery side of things, still weak and tired and have a ways to go, but definitely a 180 from yesterday and the weekend. Head to the Doctor this week for a check up and hopefully all will be well and there will be no more complications.

We have both been hit over the head with more bricks and once again, we are 100% on the same page and not only were we given similar bricks, but we immediately discussed it with each other and were on the same page, I am once again in awe of this man, who never ceases to amaze me. Willing to hear the spirit and more importantly willing to follow what he hears and even when things are hard and not the news we would like to hear, we follow and we are blessed in doing so.

CJ is one of those good men with a pure heart, an honest man, the one you rely on and count on, and is truly my other half, my twin flame, the one whom I desire to make smile and laugh, the only hand I want to hold and whose arms cradle me in safety, comfort, warmth and love. And he is the one with whom I will spend every moment doing this life with, learning this life with and dancing to our own music with.

So on this Monday as we have had a good US day, I look forward to many more of these, and know they will come in between a few more hard days. I know they will come because each day is what you make it, so I will make each day with CJ the best days, because the best days are you CJ.

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