Following the Leader

Another banner day, one for the books. We both had individual bricks from heaven today and when we had the opportunity to connect we found that our bricks were very similar and were reminding us that we need to find our way back to where we began. And what I love the most is that we can even through text talk about anything and everything and find our way back to each other. Many things are difficult and hard to talk about over text, but we are learning to converse and listen and respond and work through it. And today was a prime example. We each shared our brick and immediately knew we needed to pivot once again. There were no excuses, no let’s try to find a way to work around it, just an immediate response to pivot.

So we’ve pivoted and taking next steps and I feel a huge peace about it. I know we are going to be ok. I have been told we will be ok and I will continue to trust in that promise a little better than I have recently.

We talked and we will talk more and we will have a plan and it will be good. But at the end of the day we need to remember who we follow, each other, the situation, or if we are truly following Him. And we both agree that we need to follow Him, he’s been patient with us, sending those bricks from heaven and gently reminding us and helping us find our true north again, Him.

So now we move forward with the new insights, focus on Him and setting our path back to our true north and to keep close to each other through this.

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